Friday 10 October 2014

rk Experience

This week I started a new work experience because I didn't like the place I was doing it in. I didn't have much to do there and it was really boring. I started my new one in 'The Waverley Academy.'

I got to do some of a hairdressing course there. It was really good. I learned how to dry hair, curl it and do up-styles. I hope that in the other weeks I'll learn how to cut and dye hair as well. I was also working in the office which wasn't as                                                         fun but it kept me busy                                                                                                                                           so it was good.

Young Scientist

We were also getting ready for the BT Young Scientist this week.

My group is doing an experiment on How screen time affects our eyesight. We need to get information from different people so we decided  to e-mail an optician to see if we could go and ask them some questions. I e-mailed Miriam Porter opticians in Celbridge and they told me to ring them so I rang and got an appointment for half one on Saturday.

 Were also going to have to go somewhere to do surveys on people asking about their eyesight. We can't do them in the school because we need boys and girls and people of all ages, not just the people in our school.

Friday 3 October 2014

Fun Walk

This week was friendship week. We spent the week getting ready for the fun walk. When we were making our dance it was slow at first and we couldn't think of anything to do but once we got our music sorted out it was better. Mr. Lawlor is our tutor so we could use the hall to practice.
Our class is Belle so we wanted to do a dance about beauty and the beast. We dressed Mr. Lawlor up as Belle and Sinead dressed up as the beast. It was really funny when Mr.Mr. Lawlor was wearing a dress and makeup.
We didn't win the dance but it was still fun.
The fun walk was on Thursday because it was supposed to rain all day on Friday so we had the school mass and the fun walk in Thursday, it was a really busy day. It turned out well because it was really sunny on Thursday and it rained really bad on Friday.
The TY's sang in the choir for the mass and I played guitar. I done a guitar solo during the mass.

Work Experience

This week I was hoping to do more in work experience because I didn't do much the first week but it was worse than the first week because I done less.
I don't think I'll learn anything working there so I'm going to try change it.
I done a makeup course over summer so I asked the college I done it in if I can do work experience there.
They said they will think about it and get back to me as soon as they can.
I really hope I get it because it's getting boring working in the hairdressers. Even though everyone at the hairdressers is really nice I still don't think I'll learn much there.