Friday, 24 April 2015


For the past few months we have been doing Gaisce and at the end of it there's a 25km hike to do. At first it was the whole year doing it but a lot of people kept dropping out. Now there is about 35 people doing it. We're going on the hike today. We leave school at 2pm today. We're getting dropped off before we get to Kippure lodge, where er're staying and we walk for about three hours to get there. We should arrive at about 7pm and then we can make food. We had to bring all of our own food because they don't supply it there. The next morning we are going to have to leave by about 9am and we're doing activities like archery, high ropes and other things. After that we walk again and finish the 25km. We should be home at around 6 or 7pm on Saturday and we're getting picked up at the Celbridge manor hotel.

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